Natural Living

Despite the fact that most people’s definition of natural living might differ slightly from person to person depending on where they live, most people would look at natural living as doing whatever it takes to live life closest to nature as possible vs living an unnatural lifestyle.  When it comes to natural living my family and I try our very best to do so in all aspects of our lives such as eating mostly plant-based foods, all natural skin care, natural hair care, health care via herbs and disease prevention,  natural spring water, and mostly free electricity via our solar generators.  We also know that when it comes to the beauty of living life the way nature intended…Prosperity is our birthright.

We are not supposed to be paying for water, electricity, etc.  Our planet is being destroyed by a small group of entities that believe they are superior and they must enslave us forever.  Well, I know for sure that I am free and no longer will I be anyone’s slave.  Freedom comes from knowing who you truly are.  The sad reality is that most people on this planet do not know who they truly are.  Once you find out who you truly are, your greatest desire would be freedom and also to free yourself from this fake reality.  My family and I do our very best to stay away from GMO, chemicals, processed foods, religion, etc.  No matter what, we always try our best to choose the natural over the artificial. Truth, righteousness and justice shall follow us all the days of our lives on this planet.

We also do our best to follow the laws of nature instead of trying to bend them to suit us.  Going back to nature is not something that happens overnight.  It takes time.  One does not have to change everything in one’s life all at once.  It’s better to make small changes.  Those small changes can then be turned into habits, which becomes automatic in our lives and furthermore would then lead to more changes. You’re then more likely to succeed and to enjoy the process of change when you take it slowly, one step at a time, one day at a time.

For instance, one of the things I had to give up is dairy.  My children still have dairy sparingly.  We used to treat ourselves to dairy ice cream, especially Great Nut.  That was our favorite.  We now enjoy homemade ice cream with the same flavors, but made with coconut cream instead of dairy. To be frank, ice cream taste so much richer and creamier with coconut cream vs. cow’s milk. See below some of our natural homemade ice creams.

We use the Nama J2 juicer to produce our coconut cream and coconut milks. We also enjoy homemade pumpkin seed milk. If you mix homemade pumpkin seed milk and homemade coconut cream you will get the most amazing tasting, creamy milk on the planet.  Just add a teaspoon of 100% natural vanilla essence to it to preserve it and put it in the refrigerator.  If you don’t have access to fresh coconuts to make the cream, then I highly recommend this Z Natural Foods coconut milk powder.  I used to recommend the Grace Coconut Milk Powder  I pictured below, but recently found out that they are adding Sodium Casein to the powder.  That just defeats the purpose.  What sense does that make?  If it’s coconut milk why put sodium casein in it?  Casein is a family of related phosphoproteins that are commonly found in mammalian milk, comprising about 80% of the proteins in cow’s milk and between 20% and 60% of the proteins in human milk. I am not a fan of canned foods, but if you are okay with canned goods, then you can use the canned coconut milk cream or the condensed coconut milk instead of dairy.



We used to have a pizza and baked goods business in Dominica, but we decided that since dairy and wheat is a thing of the past, we cannot sell this stuff anymore.  My youngest son is still struggling with dairy.  He just loves cheese.  I am working hard on him, getting him to cut back, but taking it slow…one day at a time.  Here are some pictures of pizzas we sold in our former pizza business.  Business was good, but it’s time for change.  We are working on a new food business but this time it has to be plant-based products and with more leverage.  We’ve already seen it in our mind’s eye and working diligently on bringing it into fruition.





Most of the world loves coffee.  My family and I love coffee, but we don’t drink it daily.  As a matter of fact coffee is like a once in a while treat for us.  We also love to treat ourselves to a large cup of cappuccino about three to six times annually.  When we make our coffee treat, we use only Mount Hagen Organic Decaffeinated coffee.  If you like your coffee non-decaffeinated, Mount Hagen also has that option.  In my humble opinion, it’s the best tasting coffee out there and the fact that it’s organic is a good thing.  Well, an organic label does not always mean that it’s 100% natural, but at least it’s not as bad as the popular brands that are simply no good for your body.  This coffee is super special.  We like to make our pumpkin seed and coconut cream milk to add to our coffee to make our cold or hot cappuccino.

Some of the things we really enjoy now several times weekly since going back to nature is raw cacao tea. In the picture below, that’s my last son, several years ago, enjoying a cup of cacao tea.  I sometimes add mint leaves to make a chocolate mint flavored cacao tea.  I sometimes add marijuana leaves, and purslane plant which is a chock full of vitamins and minerals to the cacao tea.  The marijuana leaves do not make us high whatsoever.  My children grew up on cacao tea and they still love to drink it several times weekly.  If you don’t have access to raw   cacao, I highly recommend organic Cacao Nibs as a substitute.



I also love to add purple sea moss, moringa, tumeric, bamboo, and leaf of life, bay leaf, cinnamon, and a little cloves to my cacao tea.  My hubby, loves to add coconut cream to his cacao tea.  I don’t like it with any kind of cream whatsoever.  I love it dark and rich with a tablespoon of honey.  I’ve learned that despite the health benefits of raw cacao, two of them being copper and magnesium, too much can be toxic to the body.  So this is one of many reasons why we clean out our bodies every single day as discussed in my book, MY BIG FAT CHINESE WEIGHT LOSS SECRET.  My family and I drink a whole lot of natural herbal teas on a daily basis.  We have a large herb garden and it has become our medicine cabinet.

This cleansing of the body leads to automatic weight loss, weight maintenance and disease prevention.  If you haven’t done so yet, make sure you grab a copy.  It’s very inexpensive, so what are you waiting for?  Much love and peace to you.


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