The Truth About Water (H2O)…




The Truth About Drinking Water (H2O) That Only A Few People On Earth Know About!

Why I Stopped Drinking Water (H2O), And Why You Should Too.

I, Vernette Carbon,  have a passion for helping people heal naturally because I’ve gone through a whole lot with my health.  And it’s one of the reasons I’m sharing this info with you as it also goes hand in hand with My Big Fat Chinese Weight Loss Secret.  Yes it’s true, I don’t drink water (H2O) anymore. Yes, I know this sounds crazy, but what I have to share in the following video will  absolutely blow your mind. Enjoy!!



1.  Mentioned in the video

Special mention to the following Youtube Channels:


2.  Back To Natural Living

It’s time to go back to nature.  What Dr. Gerald Pollack has revealed to us is that if we want to get our bodies into alignment with nature and health, we need to be thinking about hydration with the real, living water that our bodies recognizes.  This will help with keeping our guts clean, weight loss, weight maintenance, and disease prevention.

If you haven’t done so yet, grab your copy of My Big FAT Chinese Weight Loss Secret now as it goes hand in hand with this information.  If you find all of this information helpful, along with  My Big FAT Chinese Weight Loss Secret please leave a positive review on Amazon.  Just like hitting the “Like” button on Youtube helps give the video more exposure, reviews on Amazon does the same thing.  Thanking you very much in advance for your positive review.  If you have any questions regarding this bonus, please feel free to send an email to: I wish you much love, joy, peace, happiness and a healthy lifestyle.  Thank you for visiting this page.




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