Stop Foreclosure and Keep Your Home Registration

You are making an amazing decision to join our stop foreclosure membership where you will uncover a wealth of information that will change your life for the best.  Separate yourself from your legal fiction (STRAWMAN), and do it the correct way.  Set it all up where you are no longer a slave to the system but you are in control.

Put the right entities in place to discharge the debts of your legal fiction and never worry about paying taxes for that legal fiction ever again.  Uncover some insane secrets that the powers that should not be are keeping from the American people, and discover how you can use this information to help stop the crooks from destroying the united states of America, the republic.


Following are some of the benefits of our Stop Foreclosure Membership:

1. Stop foreclosure initial process –  No need to go to court as your paperwork will be the court.  Get the banks off your back while you complete all paperwork necessary to stop the banks from having jurisdiction over your property for good!  Never make monthly mortgage payments ever again once you register to have us help you stop your foreclosure and keep your home.

2. Status Change – In order to keep your home, become free and clear of mortgage, and gain title to your land, you must go through the process of changing your status from a debtor to the creditor and beneficiary of your LEGAL FICTION.  You see, a debtor is a slave and cannot own anything, and that’s how your mortgage company and the powers that should not be sees you.  You might have filed a UCC1 initial statement, etc., but nothing seems to be working no matter what you have done.  The court is ignoring your filings and giving the mortgage company the upper hand even though they have no standing to foreclose whatsoever.  Yes, I, vernette, have been there.  I know what you are going through.  There is something missing in your process of becoming free from this system of slavery.  It is extremely important that you complete this process of changing your status and do it correctly.  A corporate slave is what you are if you do not claim control of your trust account.  If you don’t separate yourself from your legal fiction, claim control of it, and give it back to the grantors, then you will continue to be a debt slave under the jurisdiction of the powers that should not be and the mortgage company is going to take your home.  They are coming to take the homes of every American whether they are current on their mortgage or not.  This is the agenda where they want us all to own nothing and be happy.  Let us help you to stop them in their tracks.

3. Administrative Procedure Act – The process (as described in the free e-book) of foreclosing on the mortgage company – the mortgage companies are using a loophole to get around the Administrative Procedure Act Process and we have found a way to cover up that loophole.  The Administrative Procedure Act is what they use to foreclosure on you and you must use this to foreclose on them, but it must be done the right way with powerful affidavits.  Through trial and error, we have figured it out.

4. Claim Your Securities – The process of claiming the securities of your promissory note and the deed of trust (mortgage) – You have reportable original issue discount interest. Obligations that may have OID include bonds, debentures, promissory notes, or certificates with a term of more than one year.  If you choose, you can use the OID, etc to assess and recoup credits that you didn’t even know that you have.

5. Accept your original grant deed – Use the process of grant/warranty deed acceptance/acknowledgment to start the process of land ownership.

6. Impenetrable Trust – You will receive an impenetrable, irrevocable, Ecclesiastical Trust to serve as a proxy to the legal fiction and protect your assets and your property.  This trust is a special trust that gives you the ability to operate in both the public and private.  You can also use this trust to bring home bigger paychecks from your job if you choose to.  That info is also included in the membership site.

7. Special Land Patent – Homestead process of claiming your land, becoming real estate tax exempt, and acquiring title via the Meridian Line whereas no government, agency or bank can place any lien, attachment or encumbrance on your land.   Once you own your land, no need to ever worry about anyone taking your property ever again. We now know that a land patent from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is also fake land ownership. The BLM cannot give you what does not belong to them. This is how far these criminals have taken us down the rabbit hole.

8. Sole Proprietor/Foreign Grantor – Discover why you need a substitution for your social security number in order to free yourself from the jurisdiction of the “government” when acquiring credit cards, bank accounts, property, etc. Also find out how to purchase your property the correct way with a so-called mortgage loan, but never make monthly mortgage payments ever again.

9. Win your foreclosure court case  – Uncover the secret to beating your mortgage company in court no matter whatDiscover why very few people win their foreclosure cases.  Expose the “government’s” century-old evil, dirty secret in your court documents and watch them make your case disappear.

Your foreclosure will be stopped, you can keep your home free and clear of mortgage, own your land and pay no more real estate taxes.  It is a whole lot of paperwork on your part, and yes, most of our customers are shocked at the amount of paperwork, but it is worth it all.  Imagine stopping your foreclosure, owning your land, and living in that home, making memories for another 20 – 30 years and not having to pay another cent in mortgage and real estate taxes…again, how much is that worth to you?  Besides owning an extremely valuable impenetrable ecclesiastical trust (worth $1900) that you can use to protect your assets, to protect your real estate, serve as your Legal Fiction Proxy, etc., we went even further by throwing in the following:

10. Discover how to discharge your public debts (such as your credit card debt, student loan, child support debt, car loans, medical bills, IRS debt, bank loans, etc). Also uncover how to assess your taxes quarterly or annually by filing claims (recoupments) on those discharged public debts (even your promissory note, if you were foreclosed upon), receive your well-deserved refunds and live a life free from financial slavery.  Yes, the IRS has been extremely slow in the past year with issuing refunds, but it is in your best interest to file your claim because your account must be zeroed out and balanced and they owe you those returns on those debt assessments.  Also you will learn how to purchase a home with a mortgage the right way and discharge it at closing so that you make no monthly payments to the mortgage company.  You will also so learn how to do the same with a car.  Remember, these debts are already pre-paid at closing.  It’s up to you to claim your securities, claim what belongs to you and live the life that your Creator intended you to live.  Prosperity is your birthright.


The Stop Foreclosure and Keep Your Home is a monthly membership site filled with instruction videos, step by step written instructions below each video, PDF and WORD samples, fill in the blank templates, samples etc., and even phone consultations and zoom screen share  meetings (as needed ) to answer your questions…all for a monthly donation of $630 to the Ecclesiastical Healing Tr (trust) for four to six months.  This process usually takes 4-6 months depending on how much time and effort you put into getting the work done, or how much you actually how far you want to go in the membership site.  The first four modules are mandatory for your success, however, discharging debt and filing recoupments are your choice if you want to continue to the end.  Again, the membership site consists of video instructions, step by step written instructions below each video, sample templates and highlighted templates for you to plug your info and personalize to make it your own, paperwork to be filed, and recorded, which also includes trips to the recorder of deeds, county assessor’s office, local court to record your court case response, etc.  One person completed the processes in only three months.  This is not typical but it can be done.  After you read the disclaimer below, and you’re ready to get started, you can donate to the trust (for module #1) via  one of the three methods below (Cash App, Zelle App, or Paypal).

Important:  Once you’ve made your donation via Cash App or Zelle App methods below, access to the membership site is manual where you will have to send us a text (610-957-5302) or email ( with a picture/scan of your receipt of donation, and we will send you back confirmation of receipt with a link to the Stop Foreclosure Membership Site so that you can register and get started.  Please be certain to add  the word “DONATION” (as a note) when posting donation via any of the methods below.  Once you’ve made your donation via Paypal, you will gain instant access to the Stop Foreclosure Membership site to register and get started.

1. Click Here To Donate Via Cash App Or Zelle App


2. Click Here To Donate Via Paypal


Disclaimer: You agree that what`s being presented is not offering anything defined as someone buying or selling goods and services.  We are NOT a business operating in Commerce.  We do this to Uplift Fallen Humanity and to Help people in common losing their homes and needing help and guidance to navigate through and resolve the issues that come with the threat of losing a home.  We do not offer legal advice.  Our guidance is based on past and current experiences and also knowing the law.  The powers that should not be are coming up with statutes  and mandates to further enslave us and take everything from us, but the Constitution for the United States of America, the Republic (the real organic constitution)  always stand as the supreme law of the land. The veil of deceit of their fake constitution is being lifted, and you are helping not only yourself and family by joining our team to claim your land, but also helping to save fallen humanity.

Please over-stand, as a subscriber you could make your MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT, watch all of our information (instructional) videos, download the very valuable trusts, and download everything else, use them all and then ask for a refund on the donation. That would not be fair to us nor our other subscribers. Due to the nature of this membership site – being thousands of dollars worth of digital content – and to protect the integrity of our members there is NO money back guarantee. You can cancel at anytime. Therefore we have chosen to not have a money back guarantee with this offer and by enrolling in this program. You are waiving all rights to a refund of any kind. We realize that this may turn some people away. And frankly we understand that this is not a great fit for everyone, especially for real estate agents, other agents, and for those who are dishonest who have been trying to steal content for their own resale. We pride ourselves on providing top quality one-on-one consultations. We are always there when our subscribers need us in any emergency.   Subscribers just simply go to the “Contact Us,” tab to get in touch with us or they send a text to 610-957-5304, give us a call at 610-957-5302 and leave a message, or send an email for emergencies to schedule one-on-one phone consultations.

Once you agree to “DONATE” to these terms and conditions then you can send your donation for the first month (module #1). The content is broken up into 6 modules and you donate each month to access each module. So feel free to go right ahead and donate to the Ecclesiastical Healing Trust above.  We are looking forward to working with you on this journey.  Peace….

vernette (sekmet ra el) & arthurly (Imhotep ra el) carbon

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